Italo Ciampolini
Bust in Bronze



Monumental half-bust in bronze, representing a male figure.

From his studies at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts with Wildt, he received attention for the physical and spiritual tension of bodies, which he recovered through the recovery of Michelangelo's formalism.

Ciampolini is the interpreter of an energetic sculpture of monumental dimensions, in which the bodies come together and intersect with a muscular and physical strength that fully responds to the Novecento instances.

He exhibited at the Venice Biennale in 1930, at the Rome Quadrennial in 1931 where he showed Risveglio and at the Sindacale del Lazio in 1940 with Orfeo.

Engraved signature: Ciampolini

Italy, 1928.

L. cm 100 x H. cm 90 x P. Cm  40.

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